Kompass Global Way General Trading LLC.

Dubai, UAE



How to place orders in Kompass Global

To begin ordering, you may visit the Kompass Global website on your desktop or mobile browser.

Steps to place an order:

  1. Select the items which you want to order.
  2. Add those items to your “ Cart”.
  3. After reviewing your shopping cart, click on “Proceed to Checkout”.
  4. You’ll be prompted to sign in to Kompass Global account, you can sign in using your mobile number or email address if you already have an account.
  5. If you’re a new customer, click on “I am a new customer” option on the sign in page to create a new account.
  6. Enter the address where you want to receive your order/select the Pickup store as per the availability by searching in the available criteria.
  7. Select the payment method, add the details and click on “Continue”.
  8. Select the payment method, add the details and click on “Continue”.
How to change quantity of orders in the cart

To change the quantity for items you have not yet added to the cart -

Once you click on the "Add to Cart" button and add the item to your shopping cart, enter the desired quantity in the "Quantity" dropdown option on the right side of the page.

To change the quantity for items already added to the cart -

Go to Cart, click on the quantity dropdown box to the right of the title and choose the desired quantity. The quantity number for the item and order amount will be updated automatically.

If the entered quantity is not available with us, you'll see an error message.

I ordered a wrong item. How can I stop the order?

If you have ordered a wrong item, you can cancel the order. In case, the order is already shipped and out for delivery, you can return the order. Click on Returns and Refund FAQ for more information.

How to cancel orders?

You can cancel items or orders by visiting the Your Orders section in Your Account.

To cancel orders that aren't dispatched yet:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Select the item you want to cancel and click Cancel items.
  3. Provide reasons for cancellation (optional).
  4. Click on Cancel Checked Items.


To cancel an order that has already been dispatched:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Select the Request cancellation option and proceed further.
  3. The item(s) will be returned to us for a refund (if the payment is already made).
Why am I unable to place orders?

This could be due to the following issues:

  • Check if there is a Payment decline. Please click here to know more about Payment issues.
  • The item you have selected is out of stock.
  • There is some technical or internet connectivity issue.
  • Undeliverable to selected location/pincode.

  • Check if there is a quantity limit.